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EasyLiner Print and apply

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1EasyLiner Print and apply Empty EasyLiner Print and apply Thu May 22, 2014 9:45 am


EasyLiner Print and apply

EASYLINER model is designed with a robust and safety chassis for connection with Sato brand LT408 model digital print module ( included )
Stainless steel fasteners and anodized aluminium plate and the rear shell in black metallic non scratch epoxy powder coated metal
Pneumatic cylinder with chain guides that contain and preserve tubes and cables
3 solenoid valves with a capacity of 800 litres/minute each
Compact and light unit with reduced overall dimensions

Label reel housing fitted with a special inflexible fibreglass polymer disk
Available only in right hand version

EASYLINER can be equipped with HPS 200/400 or EASYJET pneumatic applicators.
Application of the last label printed in “real time” printing
Available in “NON-STOP” configuration

Limited sharp edges; encased or button head screws reel housing and liner rewinder disks designed without holes for maximum safety
Solution with applicators such as HPS or EASYJET do not require any additional protection

Quý khách vui lòng liên hệ tư vấn: Mrs. Ngân: 0903 886 262
Email: kim@ngangiang.com
ĐC: 308 Đường 3/2, P.12, Q.10, TPHCM

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